Health & Fitness

COVID & Ramadan

Ramadan 2021


Diabetes: Taking the right steps for prevention and management

26.2 Steps To A Successful Marathon

Equality In Sport

Mental Health Vs Physical Activity

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Summer vs Winter

6 Weeks to Fit!

Do You Ever Get Tired of Sleeping?

I Weigh...

Squatting on the Toilet Vs Squatting at the Gym

Hot Yoga in the summer months...

What to do when things don't go your way..

The London Marathon

Atherton Leisure Centre: Re-launch & new gym equipment

10 Things To Remember During Race Week

 Tapering - When Less Is More...

When the kale crisps just aren't cutting it..

BMI - A big fat lie?

London Marathon - 6 Weeks to go!

Solo Sessions Vs Partner Power 

Miles, Mantras and Maranoia...

On The Go 24/7!

Swimming: A Sport or a Lifesaving Skill?

Obesity: The Bigger Problem

Winter Training

Disability in Sport

Hot Yoga Is Coming To Balaam!

Balaam & Newham Refresh

Excuses Excuses...

Fasting: Myths & Truths

Self Care Week 2017

National Sugar Awareness Week

World Mental Health Day

Fad Diets and Crazy Routines

Gymtimidation? Don't Sweat It!

The downfall of macro management

London’s Mayor publishes new strategy to get people moving

Do you want superpowers?

5 reasons to drink coffee before your workout

Ramadan health tips: what to eat and what to avoid

HIIT and Run!

Technology is getting people active

Beat the Budget Blues with activeNewham

Are you ready for April?

International Women’s Day

Is this the future for leisure centres?

​Mayor appoints Walking and Cycling Commissioner

activeNewham is for everybody

Make some lasting memories this half-term!

We’re still not doing enough exercise?

Growing pains of a cashless society

5 Fitness and Training Hacks

Watercress, a superfood?

Fat Loss and Hydration?

The War on Sugar!

World's Best Diet Revealed

Keeping Active Into Your Golden Years

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