Health & Fitness

5 Fitness and Training Hacks

[fa icon="calendar"] 17-Jan-2017 15:07:46 / by Adam Hicks

Whether you’re a frequent gym-goer or new to fitness and training. These hacks are extremely importance to get right to ensure you get the results you want and stay injury free.

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Warm up and Cool Down

Warming up helps your body to mentally and physically prepare itself for your work out. If we compare our bodies to a car, then by gradually warming up our engine (heart and lungs) will help our pistons (blood and muscles) fire on all cylinders. Warming up exercises such as walking and jogging, gradually increase the body’s internal temperature which increases nerve impulses and muscle contractions (hence why it’s called a warm up!). This helps the muscles become more responsive and less stiff.

 Cooling down gradually allows your body to return to your resting heart rate and normal blood pressure. In addition by taking the time to cool down and stretch your muscles will lead to a quicker recovery time. This will increase the amount of oxygen flowing through your body which will help reduce the levels of lactic acid in your muscles. Failing to cool down post-workout will lead to all pain and no gain.

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Form is key  

The biggest error you’ll witness in any gym are people who sacrifice weight over form. You’ll often see people lifting huge weights to try and look good for some strange ego trip. This can lead to all kinds of issues let alone injury. Don’t be like these gym-goers. Ensuring that you have the correct form and range of motion is of paramount importance. Lighter weight will allow you to keep tension in the targeted muscles, which will make them work harder and achieve the intended results. Remember when it comes to reaching your goals, it’s a marathon not a sprint. Be safe and not sorry.

You are what you eat

Find the right balance to ensure that your muscles are getting the required nutrients. Your diet is crucial and should reflect and assist you to achieve your goals. This means finding the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your diet. Whether you’re muscle building or burning fat, your body needs the right fuel to help you function. You may have heard the phrase ‘abs are made in the kitchen.’ Although this is true to an extent it does reflect the ethos that you reap what you sow. We are not saying that you should never go to McDonald's again, we all need a cheat day…or cheat week every now and then! Instead help your body recover by getting the right foods into your system before your next gym session.



Get some Zzzz’s

To mention sleep and training in the same breath may sound bizarre, but the two are of equal importance. During your workout, your muscles develop a number of microscopic tears on a cellular level. When you’re asleep your body enters into an anabolic state. In other words this is a time in which the body recharges, repairs and undergoes essential maintenance. Your body uses this time to rejuvenate your muscle tissues and help them grow. When you sleep your body produces various hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormones which play a huge role in the reproduction of cells. In essence, without enough sleep your body cannot make the necessary repairs done to your muscles when training. On training days you should be aiming for at least 8 - 10 hours of sleep. So there you have it, a perfect excuse to get some more shut eye!



Think R.I.C.E

Sometimes life isn’t fair. You train hard, and do all of the above but injury strikes. In some cases there are anti-inflammatory medications you can take as well as paracetamol to help manage mild soft-tissue injuries. This will help keep you in the cycle of training. However, you will do more harm than good if you continue to train when injured. If an injury strikes think of RICE.

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

Do not apply ice for more than 15 minutes at any time to the affected area.

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Adam Hicks

Written by Adam Hicks

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