Health & Fitness

5 reasons to drink coffee before your workout

[fa icon="calendar"] 31-May-2017 12:15:15 / by Adam Hicks

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We all wish there was some magical potion we could drink which would keep us young, lean and healthy all in one go. Advertising companies have spent years marketing certain promises to us. Whether that’s some blue coloured liquid which will give us all the energy in the world to smash through our exercise routines. Or an orange sports bottle which is “engineered” to help you demolish your rivals. These technicoloured dream bottles which call out to us from our convenience stores and supplement outlets all make certain promises, but are they really worth their salt?

Evidence suggests that if you’re looking for that real pre-work out buzz, then you may want to think about putting those pills, tubs and bottles of concentrated formula down. If you want a real pre-workout boost, it may be time to turn to one of most heavily studied and consumed products on the planet - caffeine. That’s right, that cup of coffee which has been under our noses this entire time may be the missing link to help fuel your exercise routines.

Coffee’s effects are so powerful that profession cycling’s governing body have even tried to ban it as a performance enhancing substance. Now, as a sport which is fraught with drug doping problems, you best believe that there’s something worth noting here.

The effects of caffeine are not limited to just supplying you with an energy boost. Here are 5 reasons for you to enjoy a cup of coffee (minus the cream and sugar) in order to unlock a variety of health benefits.  

  1. Decrease DOMS

It may be time to visit your local barista, as the University of Illinois investigated the effects of coffee on two different test groups. The group which consumed coffee before exercise experienced less deep onset muscle soreness (DOMS) than their decaffeinated counterparts. So if you want to get more reps in, lift more weights or even run faster and train harder than before, it may be time to espresso yourself beforehand. Less pain, more gain!

  1. Fat-burning properties.

Drinking a cup of Joe before exercise can also cause fat cells to be burnt as an energy source rather than glycogen. Incorporating coffee into your diet has several other important side effects, such as increasing your metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day. In addition, coffee has certain properties which act as an appetite suppressant, which means that it will help keep those hunger pains at bay when you’re dieting.  

  1. Heightens athletic performance

Numerous studies have shown the clear correlation between increased power and endurance in athletes when caffeine is consumed before exercise. This is because caffeine lowers your perception of effort, meaning that it can give you that extra edge when training.  Therefore consuming coffee before a daunting leg day might be just what you need to help you achieve mind over matter and power through. 

  1. Focus

Caffeine helps to stimulate the central nervous system. Research has shown that caffeine helps to target specific areas of the brain which are responsible for memory and concentration. Therefore getting coffee into your system before strenuous exercise can help sustain intensity and also improve your focus. 

  1. Disease prevention

Coffee contains a high amount of anti-oxidants which protects our cells from damage from free radicals. Critical studies have found a clear link between coffee consumption and reducing a number of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes and certain forms of cancer. Now ask yourself, can your pre-workout chemical compounds do that? 

Well there we have it. Whether you’re enjoy a cup of the strong stuff with your breakfast or even when socialising with friends and family in Newham. The effects of coffee are far greater than just social, and can defiantly help supercharge you next time you lace up at one of our leisure and fitness centres.

Thanks a latte for reading, for more health and fitness blogs please subscribe.

Adam Hicks

Written by Adam Hicks

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