Health & Fitness

Atherton Leisure Centre: Re-launch & new gym equipment

[fa icon="calendar"] 20-Apr-2018 13:40:00 / by Christian Dolan


New launch…new gym equipment…

Atherton Leisure Centre recently turned two years old and to celebrate, they had their most recent relaunch to promote two brand-new Les Mills classes: Barre & Body Attack 100! We waived the joining fee for the weekend and saw 14 new members sign up.

The re-launch took place on Saturday 14th April and was a huge success, bringing the Atherton community together! Overall, we had 266 people classes on the day, with 30 of these trying out ‘Barre’ and a total of 59 people attending our two Attack 100 classes.

On the day, prizes were given out at the end of some of our classes with goody bags given out to the lucky winners drawn at random. Don’t worry if you missed out, you can catch our new Les Mills classes alongside a huge variety of other group exercise classes we have on offer at Atherton. Click here to see our full timetable and find out more info!


Our next re-launch date is Saturday 14th July. Keep your eyes peeled for the latest classes and offers available nearer the time!

New launch…new gym equipment…


…That’s not all that has happened at Atherton in the past week. You, our customers have spoken and we have listened. Following your feedback we recently ordered and installed new Life Fitness equipment on the gym floor at Atherton including seven new treadmills, hammer strength fly machine and a signature series leg raise.

Ladies, this means that you now have access to cardio machines during the Women Only Sessions! A change around in the setup of the gym floor also means there’s a more balanced measure of equipment for everyone, regardless of the session!

Not a member? Contact our customer service team today on 0300 124 0123 to find out about our casual or monthly membership options!


Topics: activenewham, sport and leisure, atherton, Les Mills, Group exercise classes

Christian Dolan

Written by Christian Dolan

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