Health & Fitness

Do you want superpowers?

[fa icon="calendar"] 13-Jun-2017 12:32:50 / by Adam Hicks

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Prince Regent CrossFit are proud to be East London’s fastest growing box, boasting training with some of the top coaches in the country and working out of a new purpose built facility with all the latest kit and equipment. 

Now you may have some preconceived ideas of what a CrossFitter looks like, but I can assure you they are still made up of the same building blocks of DNA and that little sprinkle of magic as everyone else in the human species. So alas, CrossFitters do not run into burning buildings to rescue people, or go about their days fighting crime in tight fitting costumes. Nor do they scale buildings or fly....they are your average Clark Kent’s and Diana Princes of the world, who just happen to push their bodies to be at their very best.   

So fear not! We're here to tell you that if you were unlucky enough to be born without superpowers, then there is something you can do about it… 

Say you wanted to get faster, stronger and more flexible, we suggest leaving the radioactive spiders alone and instead through hard work, dedication and expert training you may have everything you need and more to tap into powers that you never thought existed. 

The whole purpose of CrossFit is to train someone’s body to become capable of practically anything and everything. If fitness was a Venn diagram of speed; agility, power, hand-eye coordination, stamina, strength etc then CrossFit would sit in the middle of all of these intersections. 

CrossFit wants to build robust athletes who are willing to constantly push themselves to achieve great things. Be that when training in the box itself, or coping with whatever life throws at them. This formula has been developed by incorporating elements of HIIT training, plyrometrics, gymnastics, and weightlifting. With the most important element of all thrown into the equation: fun!

It’s important to realise that CrossFit can be scaled to any body, any age, and any level of fitness. Our coach led sessions are performed in small groups of 12 to achieve quality results and offer tailored personal training. Through training with constantly varied functional movements, you’re not just doing simple isolated actions, but compound movements which will be moving your limbs in all different directions. Our coaches will teach you everything you need to know about correct lifting technique, which will significantly reduce your risk of injury in everyday life. Not to mention increased flexibility and coordination will make you feel as if you have gained superpowers!  

By joining Prince Regent CrossFit you’ll be surrounded by people dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of all their members. 

So whilst at first, CrossFit may sound scary, rest assured this is one challenge where you'll have all the support to succeed. At Prince Regent Crossfit, you'll find a sociable bunch, who are always up for grabbing a coffee or a bite to eat outside of the box. CrossFit is designed to help you make a lifestyle change and alongside a great sense of community, all of our trainers and coaches will be your biggest cheerleaders as you reach and surpass your health and fitness goals. 

As for superpowers, we can’t keep waiting for Superman to stop by and hand them to us on a silver platter. Change can only start from within and rewards have to be earnt. Let’s start pumping iron, and be the machine. 

Hey, wait…that's not a bad superhero name. Be right back whilst I go grab my tights! 

Wanna be a superhuman? Then be CrossFit. Be the Machine.

Adam Hicks

Written by Adam Hicks

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