Health & Fitness

Get Yourself a Gym Buddy!

[fa icon="calendar"] 06-Jan-2017 11:45:33 / by Adam Hicks




We hope you had a wonderful festive break. We’ve all overindulged, gained extra insulation for our winter coats and driven ourselves into sugar induced comas. It was pretty fantastic while it lasted. However, some say that summer bodies are made in the winter, and it comes as no surprise that it’s at this time of year that most fitness regimes start.
We all make New Year’s Resolutions and set goals for ourselves but did you know that 73% of people who set fitness goals for themselves give up? Research suggests that physiologically we depend upon positive feedback known as ‘intrinsic motivation’ which can be all the difference between success and failure. Working out as part of a group has been proven to stop people falling into the 73% by a process of positive reinforcement and assessment.  
Let’s take a look at why having a gym buddy could help keep you on track and put those good intentions from New Year’s into action.

You’ll stay motivated, you’ll get into a good habit

It’s pretty easy to say to yourself that you’ll get up at 6.00am and go for that morning run you’ve been planning to do for the last 8 months. Then the alarm goes off, you hit snooze, roll over and then you wake up in a panic as you have 4 minutes until you need to be out the door for work! We’ve all done it, it happens.
However whilst it’s one thing to cancel plans with yourself, it’s another to cancel plans with a friend who’s counting on you. You’re more likely to plan a workout session together and follow through with it, then making capricious plans with yourself. By getting into a routine with your buddy you’ll be able to get into good habits together and inspire and push each other on.

Workouts will be more fun

Running on a treadmill or trying to get onto a bench press when the incredible Hulk is hogging it as they have to complete a selfie ritual while you wait for what feels like forever isn’t fun. However, with a buddy you could get on with some cardio and play some badminton or do some alternative exercises and switch up your routine. You can also learn from each other, if you know some brilliant leg exercises, teach it to your buddy, and then the next time you train together let them teach you something new. The more you keep your routine fresh, the better your body will respond to it over time.
You’ll have a spotter
Your buddy will be able to keep an eye on your form and make sure that you’re not going to hurt yourself. Furthermore, you’ll be able to make sure you can see your progression over the next weeks and months. Never again will you have to count your own reps, and if you have a spotter you’re more likely to squeeze in that extra rep with your buddy present to help you. That progression over time will make all the difference.
You’ll work out better
When you train with someone else you’re going to train better and with greater intensity than you would do on your own. That may be because of a little bit of friendly competition or if you want to quit and your buddy wants to stay a little bit longer you’ll push yourself to do more.
Whether you’re a regular gym-goer or a newbie, be sure to pick a gym buddy based on each other’s athletic abilities with similar goals. For example a marathon runner is going to have very different goals to someone who wants to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you’re on the same level, you are always going to motivate each other. Remember progress takes time, and having a support unit when you’re not seeing the results as fast you wanted can make you feel a little disheartened. If they’re a good gym buddy, on those bad days they won’t let you give up that easily.
Eat well and laugh more
Having a good diet is always important when working towards your health and fitness goals. Having a buddy may help you keep on the straight and narrow when temptation strikes. You could plan meals out for training and non-training days together and make them more cost effective. However you may also grab that coffee and treat meal you’ve been looking forward to after a difficult work out. Together you may even be able to make exercise fun!
So get yourself a buddy and don’t give up on your New Year’s Resolutions!
For more fitness and health tips please see our other articles. 

Adam Hicks

Written by Adam Hicks

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