Health & Fitness

HIIT and Run!

[fa icon="calendar"] 11-Apr-2017 15:24:42 / by Adam Hicks

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High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT is the most effective training method for sending your body into fat burning overdrive! Not only will it help you melt away fat, it will also get you outrageously fit by improving your cardiovascular fitness as well as build lean muscle at the same time!

HIIT training has become without doubt the hottest fitness trend on the planet in recent years. So why exactly is there so much hype around HIIT? How does it actually work?

As the name suggest, 'High Intensity Interval Training,' is a technique which involves short bursts of intensive exercise followed by low-intensity activity or rest. HIIT training often involves working within minuet cycles, such as giving it 100% effort for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest.

Most HIIT training uses no equipment and uses the body against itself. Therefore any workout gets your heart rate up quickly, with body weighted exercises such as mountain climbers, high knees and everyone’s favourite…burpees. 

There are many HIIT group exercise classes that you can get involved in at activeNewham. Whether that be our own HITT classes or even the Les Mills GRIT SERIES and CrossFit classes that we provide. All are tailored to your own specifications and needs.   

5 reasons why you should be doing HIIT group classes with activeNewham.

  1. Burns calories in a shorter period of time

The biggest excuse we can make for ourselves is that we don’t have enough time to exercise. Albeit running on a treadmill for 30 minutes can feel like the longest 30 minutes of your life, who really has 2 hours spare to exercise a day?  HIIT training is great solution if you have limited time to work out. Studies have shown that just 15 minutes of high intensity interval training will burn more calories than jogging on a treadmill for an hour!

  1. You’ll be fat burning for hours once you’re done 

HIIT will make your bodies repair cycle go into hyper drive. Unlike non-interval training, such as jogging, HIIT boosts your metabolism through the principle of afterburn. This means your body will continue to burn more calories and fat long after you’re finished. That’s why it’s important to push yourself, the harder you work the greater the effects will be.  If you can do HIIT 3 – 5 times a week, you’ll be well on the way to achieving your fitness goals.

  1. Lose fat, not muscle

Don’t fear losing those hard built muscles! Although long cardio sessions may contribute to some muscle loss, HIIT workouts will help you preserve muscle gains while shedding weight at the same time. This is through the combination of weight training (using your body as a weight) mixed with short bursts of explosive cardio.

  1. Universal scalability

HIIT is perfect for any committed person regardless of experience, size or age. Rather than having one workout for older women and another for hard-core athletes – there’s one workout each day that is completely scalable based on a person’s ability and skills.

  1. Honest training = honest results

HIIT workouts are designed to be challenging. You are constantly being asked to push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Rather than getting into a routine in which you plateau, our trainers will ensure that your body is constantly adapting to new and challenging exercises. This will ensure greater results and we will make sure that you never get bored of your workout. 

HITT will help get those fat burners on, you’ll feel amazing when the endorphins flood through your system and you’ll defiantly earn those carbs post workout! If you haven’t done HIIT classes before, try them! They could be the final piece of the puzzle in helping you achieve your health and fitness goals.   Combined AN & LBN logos.jpg

Adam Hicks

Written by Adam Hicks

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