Health & Fitness

Self Care Week 2017

[fa icon="calendar"] 13-Nov-2017 10:43:04 / by Emily Apps


Looking after yourself is an important part of life. We’re all very good in this day and age at putting ourselves second but it’s rare for people to make themselves a priority. We’ve got too much to do, too much work on, too many social events to go to and we feel if we don’t go to the events, or miss a deadline at work that it’s the end of the world.

Inevitably, this will eventually burn you out. Sometimes you need to pass on your colleagues’ birthday drinks or that extra gym session to just head home, put your PJs on and catch up on the latest episode of your latest Netflix series.

I’ll be the first to put my hand up and admit that I’m not very good at saying no to things. For me, I’m just not very good at doing nothing. If the option is being out and about or sitting at home and relaxing, it’s very rare for me to choose the latter. I always end up learning the hard way when I’m forced to have a weekend (okay, maybe just a day) of being a bit lazy. It doesn’t have to be boring though, get your friends round and make them chill out with you- it makes it much more bearable!

Alternatively, maybe you’re someone who doesn’t get the dreaded FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when you miss a social event and you’re not too fussed if you miss out on a gym session. However, as good as it is to relax, part of self- care is making sure you’re getting out and about and socialising, for both your physical and your mental health. You need to find a healthy balance!

It’s not just about the amount of sleep you get or the amount of socialising you do, there’s so many aspects that self-care covers. From losing weight, to giving up smoking, cutting down on your alcohol intake and even knowing when you need to go to the Doctors – it all counts as self-care. It’s about keeping you in the best form you can be; understanding when you can look after yourself, when a pharmacist can help and when you need to go and see your GP or get advice from a healthcare professional.

Winter’s definitely arrived and with the joys of winter walks and the festive period, often also brings with it a flurry of coughs, colds and splutters which seem to spread like wildfire. So why not treat yourself to a little bit of self-care; keep your medicine cabinet stocked up, invest in some tissues (nice soft ones, not the cheapest ones which aren’t dissimilar to sandpaper) and be sensible in the colder weather. Don’t forget, if you’re eligible for a flu jab, go and get one- it’s going to protect you from one of the most dangerous illnesses at this time of year and know who to talk to if you’re feeling under the weather.

Maybe you’re someone with a long term condition in which self-care is about understanding that condition and how you can live with it whilst still getting the most out of your life. Keeping on top of your medication, attending any necessary appointments and knowing how to live without making the illness any worse.

Self-diagnosis is also a key part of self-care. Knowing the symptoms of some of the more common illnesses will save both you and your doctor time and money! I’m not suggesting you pop your symptoms in an online symptom checker because we all know that they aren’t the most accurate, especially if you’re a bit of a worrier! But keeping an eye on yourself and knowing what's not 'normal' for you can be a key factor in looking after yourself.  

See below for some top tips on how to relax and have some 'you'time...

  • Stretch - especially if you're sat in an office for the majority of the day,; stand up, have a stretch and do so once an hour!
  • Have a bath - there's nothing like a good bath on a cold winter's evening & it should set you up for a good sleep aswell!
  • Read a good book - Getting lost in another world and seeing things from another perspective can help you with real life situations!
  • Hang out with friends, family and loved ones - is there anything better?
  • Get outside - whether you do some gardening or have a stroll to a friend's house, fresh air can do you the world of good!
  • Meditate - Having a few moments of peace is a great way to clear your mind.
  • Knit - a scarf, a hat or why not jump on board with a project knitting hats for premature babies- not only calming but also rewarding!
  • Do one of your favourite things - whether it's running a marathon or having a movie marathon- if it makes you happy, then do it!

To look after yourself doesn't mean you have to spend loads swanning off to health retreats and having massages once a week, just doing a few of the above things once or twice a week should help you to switch off and give you a break from the daily stresses of life.

Topics: self care week

Emily Apps

Written by Emily Apps

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