Health & Fitness

World Mental Health Day

[fa icon="calendar"] 10-Oct-2017 09:15:33 / by Emily Apps

WMHD.pngThey say the road is a good listener so I’m off to tell it my story…

You may be someone that flies out of bed in the morning and can’t wait to go and get a few miles under your belt, or you may be someone that gets up, decides against the morning run because you must have breakfast first, then gets distracted and the next thing you know its 8pm and you finally drag yourself for a quick run to the shop to buy something for dinner. Either way, you’ll have felt better for getting out and doing something.

Mental health is a huge umbrella subject that covers a variety of illnesses. Whether its anxiety, depression, OCD or even anger, getting your heart beating is always going to be a good way to help try and conquer some of the side effects that go hand in hand with mental illness.

Physical exercise is a proven method for lessening the symptoms and making our outlook on life much more positive.  After being physically active, researchers have found people to be calmer, more awake and more content than they have been before. Those with mental health problems are sadly more likely to suffer with poor diet, increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disease. Getting physically active can help lower the risk of getting ill by allowing the body to regulate our stress hormones which are linked to the diseases.

One of the top side – effects is exhaustion. ‘Surely exercise will make you more exhausted’, I hear you cry! In fact, it’s often the opposite and getting physical is actually an energiser and you will feel your energy levels rise. Alternatively, if you’re someone who struggles at night battling your own conscience, day time exercise should aid your sleeping pattern to help you catch a few more zzz’s!

Physical changes can also lead to changes mentally. It’s been found that just 150 minutes exercise a week can help adults stay in shape. All forms of exercise burn calories which leaves you feeling trim and therefore you should hopefully see your self-esteem rocket! Don’t forget if you lose a few pounds, treats yourself to a new outfit- one that will make you feel like you can take on whatever life throws at you!

Using exercise as a distraction from the problems of everyday life is a good way to think about other things going on in life, not just the thing that’s worrying you. You may be someone who loves nothing more than sticking your headphones in, listening to your favourite songs and forgetting about the world or you may prefer to head out with a friend and put the world to right whilst tackling a few miles. Either way, it gives you a chance to leave your problems at home and have a bit of you time to forget about everything else going on.

Those who have a more sociable life often find it easier to combat mental health issue so why not use this as a chance to join a new club or take up a sport you haven’t tried before. If you can’t persuade a friend to come along, embrace the opportunity to meet new people. The majority will also have been a beginner as some stage so will be more than welcoming to any new faces in the crowd! Take a look at the classes that activeNewham offer- there's so many to choose from and all levels are catered for!

 If you’re out of practice when it comes to exercise, remember these helpful tips before you start:

  • Anything is better than nothing. If you’ve not done much exercise for a while, don’t try and do hours of exercise on your first day back. A brisk walk around the block is always a good place to start!
  • Don’t be disheartened. Some days you’ll want to run 5 miles but have to stop at 3 but remember that some other days you’ll get to 5 miles and you’ll keep going.
  • You don’t have to suffer to get results. Don’t listen to the ‘no pain, no gain’. If you’re exercising, don’t overdo it. If you’re out running, you should be able to comfortably hold a conversation but not sing a song. Going at the right pace will enable you to get the most out of your body both physically and mentally.
  • Don’t feel overwhelmed. If you already have a lot going on in your life, don’t add too much to your load. Exercise when you can and soon you’ll think of it is as more of a priority and will fit it in to your schedule. Ideally plan to exercise at the time when you have the most energy as you’ll have a better result!

 Just remember that whatever you choose to do, you're doing it for a better you, one step at a time. If you're someone who is fortunate enough to not struggle with mental health issues, look out for those who do. If someone doesn't seem their normal self, offer them a friendly face and a shoulder to lean on. More likely than not, someone will talk but they're often waiting to be asked - you can be that person to help.

Topics: activenewham, world mental health day, mental health

Emily Apps

Written by Emily Apps

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